Thursday, June 10, 2010

Reality Is Funnier (Case File #3)

Oh, Westboro Baptist Church. You gay hating, crazy machine. If you're not familiar with these people, you are missing out on the purist form of religious insanity. You know, the people that picket soldier's funerals with "God Hates Fags" signs? Yeah, them. Given the fact that they believe God made 9-11 happen because we allow homosexuality, this video is pretty tame in comparison... still bat-shit crazy though.

Like I say in all the Case Files: This is only hilarious because it's genuine. My brain is screaming that it has to be a parody, but this is as real as the WBC get.

Seriously, why the hell did the FBI burn Waco to the ground and Westboro is still going strong? Let's get our priorities straight here people! Koresh didn't fuck with mourning families at funerals. Way to get the wrong crazies, Janet Reno. (If you were born before 1990, you have no idea what I'm talking about.)

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